Aims & Objectives

Aims & Objectives

  1. 1. The aim of the school is to impart academic, physical, moral and spiritual education with stress on catholic formation. Nevertheless it shall respect the religious feelings and freedom of conscience.
  1. 2. It aims to train the children to learn intelligently and to help them develop the qualities of co-operation and service so as to make them useful and worthy citizens of Mother India.
  1. 3. It will also cater for the co-curricular activities of a varied nature to promote the harmonious and all round development of the children.
  1. 4. The course of studies is arranged according to the syllabus laid
  2. down by the Department of Education, Goa, as well as the Goa Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board.
  1. 5. The academic year is divided into two terms as per Grant-in-aid code/ Education Act and relevant circulars. The first term is from June to October and the second term from November to April.

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